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How to do Magic and why you shouldn’t try

Magic uses tables of correspondences which to any logical thinker make no sense whatsoever. We see things like the planet Saturn is related to crayfish and to the number seven and to the colour ultramarine and to the middle finger and on and on and on. These come into play when performing a magical ritual. You might perhaps wear a ring on your middle finger with seven ultramarine stones in the setting. You could if you want eat a crayfish beforehand, if you can get hold of any. This is an attempt to coalesce all aspects of Saturn on a level where this stuff may actually make sense.

You might do this if you were trying to arouse Saturnian energies or perhaps, if you are so inclined, to summon entities from the planet Saturn. Now this makes more sense when we look at our model because we are not dealing with things at the physical, emotional, intellectual, or even the intuitive level. We are dealing with things, and every magician would agree with you, at the psychic level where this variety of entities are thought to be related in groups of procepts. The Magician, now stabilising his awareness on this higher level, would hope to gain knowledge and psychic influence from this. However, this can only be achieved, through an act of will. The magic comes about if the magician can harness his will. otherwise all is pantomime. You will find this recurring principle in book after book on magical practice with very little idea of how it is to be achieved. Will resides at the mystical level and as such is the control for the psychic level.

If we follow our model the above explains why magic should not be practiced. It is not that radical changes in awareness cannot be achieved and who knows maybe changes in the outside world, it is that using one's own will to achieve one's desires is disrupting the system. To be wholly human, to have all subsystems working in harmony, means that they must come under the control of the absolute system. To use one's own will throws a spanner in the works and disrupts the free flow of information which can only lead to disharmony, illness, and if the magicians are to be believed ultimately madness.

Perhaps we see here the relevance of Jesus’s New Testament cry 'Not my will but thine Oh Lord'.

